EpidemiaR Introductory Materials


Justin Millar

Amir Siraj


June 20, 2024

Getting started

This book contains background material for general R basics, as well as some of the packages and functions that we will use during the EpidemiaR training lessons.

Check your R version!

Some of the training material will use a special operator called the “native pipe” (which looks like this: |>). This function was first included in R version 4.1, which was released in May 2021.

If you haven’t updated your R in while then it may be time to update. You can check what your current version is by running R.version in the console.

Installing packages

The training lessons will use several R packages. We will discuss these in more detail in the following sections, but it is a good idea to get everything installed and downloaded before we dive in. Note that depending on your internet connection this may take some time.

Use this code in R to install the packages:

# Installing packages

Additional materials and resources:

  • WIP!